Bella Rubble and Roses 2 - for girl groups

Bella Rubble and Roses 2 - for girl groups
This is the internationally demanded translation of Bella- a guide for girl groups. It is a manual that has inspired thousands of leaders to start girl groups all over Sweden. A lot has happened with regard to attitudes towards girls and girls´ abilities and potential for development in recent year ...Läs mer
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This is the internationally demanded translation of Bella- a guide for girl groups. It is a manual that has inspired thousands of leaders to start girl groups all over Sweden.

A lot has happened with regard to attitudes towards girls and girls´ abilities and potential for development in recent years. Many girls are more self assertive, but there are also signs to the contrary.

Discussing ideas, opinions and outlook on life in a girl group is an excellent way of strengthening self esteem and sense of identity. Our intention is to reach out to all teenage girls. The potential for self development also increases considerably when girls with different backgrounds and lifestyles interact.

BELLA - Rubble and Roses 2 is intended to support those who work with young girls as group-leaders or communication partners.

Bella - Rubble & Roses 2 consists of exercises on 12 current themes:

Self-confidence-Independence, Friendship, Different cultures, Boys and girls-equality/inequality, Harassment and insult, Our bodies, Violence and bullying, Life, death and religious faith, Tobacco, alcohol and party drugs, Love, sex and relationships, The family, The future.

Methods used in the book:
- Value clarification exercises influencing attitudes, self-confidence and group development
- Forum play - role-play for choice and conflict situations
- Team exercises
- Relaxation – tools to deal with stress

Author: Katrin Byréus, drama educationist, teacher, author and consultant has developed the methods forum play with value clarification exercises for more than 20 years and described the methods in numerous books. In addition to Bella (KSAN 2001), there are two further publications of interest dealing with the same subject matter, Rubble and Roses (KSAN 1994) and Eye of the Storm (KSAN 1998).

WOCAD- Women's Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues (KSAN).


Av: Katrin Byréus/KSAN, 2001, 2006.

62 sidor.




Vikt: 277 g
Bredd: 21 cm
Längd: 30 cm
Höjd: 0.5 cm
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