The Pink Monster

The Pink Monster
The Pink Monster is a tutorial guide book for inspiring girls to activities and reflection. It is intended for all who wish to develop girls' awareness of the power of marketing and its purpose; this includes teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, youth recreation leaders, women's associations, girl ...Läs mer
240,00 SEK per styck

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The Pink Monster is a tutorial guide book for inspiring girls to activities and reflection. It is intended for all who wish to develop girls' awareness of the power of marketing and its purpose; this includes teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, youth recreation leaders, women's associations, girl group leaders and many others.

The Pink Monster is based on WOCAD´s project "Marketing aimed at girls". The aggressive marketing of addictive substances is increasingly targeting young women through traditional media outlets, as well as the internet and social media. Pink cigarettes, raspberry flavoured snus, flowery beer cans, fitness enhancing products, legal and illegal internet drugs and a range of pharmaceutical products are all marketed under the guise of a successful, fun-filled, free lifestyle.

The material includes value clarification exercises, interaction activities, and reflection on a range of themes such as; "The Beauty Ideal", "Success", "Solidarity and loneliness", "Masculinity and Femininity", "Gender discrimination", "Health", "Freedom of choice" and "Change". The tutorial guide book has been produced in collaboration with Jeanette Roos, lecturer in aestethic learning processes.

34 sidor.

KSAN 2012.

Vikt: 198 g
Bredd: 21 cm
Längd: 30 cm
Höjd: 0.5 cm
Tillverkare: KSANKSAN
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