KSAN på NordAN-konferens i Oslo 15-16 oktober 2016

I år är det tio-årsjubileum för NordANs kvinnosektion! Ordförande Maj-Inger Klingvall medverkar i plenum och kanslichef Leena Haraké modererar kvinnoseminariet. (In plenum: Maj-Inger Klingvall, President of WOCAD, Sweden. Moderator of Women´s Section:Leena Haraké, General Manager at WOCAD, Sweden.)

NordANs women's seminar.

NordANs konferens i Oslo 15-16 oktober 2016 (NordAN conference 15-16th of october 2016) "We must have done something right!"

NordAN´s womens section was formed in 2006 by Sweden’s KSAN (Women’s Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drugs Issues) and Finland’s Naistenkartano R.y (Women Together Against Addictions) to encourage voluntary organisations to commit themselves more deeply towards issues pertaining to girls’ and women’s misuse and abuse of alcohol, addictive pharmaceuticals and drugs.
Goals of women´s section are:
* influence attitudes and values regarding girl’s and women’s abuse and potential for treatment;
* influence decision-makers in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic States and the rest of Europe such that resources are made available for research and preventive initiatives in this field;
*stimulate interest in women’s abuse issues among groups that have not previously been involved in work of this nature;
*increase exchanges and cooperation between various players in the Nordic countries and the Baltic States to stimulate increased gender-specific, gender-sensitive initiatives for girls and women in the combat against alcohol and drugs;
*create a joint strategy for NordAN’s work in alcohol and drug issues from a women’s perspective.

NordAN kvinnosektionen 10 år 3

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KSAN Postadress

c/o Solidaritetshuset
Tegelviksvägen 40
116 41 Stockholm

Telefon: 0703-769216
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