Boka konferensdatum till "Focus on Women in Addicition in the 2020's"


KSAN i samarbete med ICAA anordnar en kvinnokonferens i beroendefrågor den 18-20 september 2016 i Stockholm. Boka konferensdatum redan nu!

In an exciting “first” for both organizations WOCAD and ICAA will deliver a Convention on Women in Addiction in the 2020s. Focusing uniquely on Women in the 2020s, and with a clear goal of providing participants with a highly interactive and experiential event, the Programme will be structured around the practical exploration of four broad topic areas:
- Women in Treatment
- Women and Adolescence
- Women and Social Issues
- Education and Prevention for women.

For more information and to register your interest please click here to go the ICAA Events page

Book the date

See you in Stockholm!


KSAN är medlem i

KSAN Postadress

c/o Solidaritetshuset
Tegelviksvägen 40
116 41 Stockholm

Telefon: 0703-769216
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